Nach einem etwas holprigen Start von Dark and Light bricht das Spiel durch die Decke. Und der neue Patch ist daran nicht unschuldig.
Vorallem zum Early-Access-Start des Survival-Games hagelt es überwiegend negative Reviews bei der Spieleplattform Steam. Doch mittlerweile hat sich das Spiel auf den 2. Platz der Steam-Charts hochgekämpft, natürlich nach Playersunknown’s Battleground. Der Grund dafür sind die großen Patches, die das Game immer besser machen.
Die Entwickler von Dark and Light Snail Games USA haben für heute den 07. August einen neuen Patch angekündigt. Aus diesem Grund werden ab 22:00 Uhr die Server abgestellt.
Zunächst wird das Startgebiet „The Sacred Path“ überarbeitet. Dort bleiben sowohl Spieler, als auch die im Spiel vorkommenden Fabelwesen gerne stecken. Jedoch kann es durch die Veränderung dazu kommen, dass Bauwerke und Items beschädigt werden. Daher sollten betroffen Gebiete vor neuen Patches immer abgesperrt werden.
Außerdem werden den Hausdrachen erst mal das Gas abgedreht. Wegen den Bug, dass zahme Drachen durch Wände hindurch Spieler und Items verbrennen konnte, wird der Feueratem erst einmal deaktiviert, bis eine Lösung gefunden wird.
Die Updates von Snail Games zahlen sich aus. Nach dem schwierigen Start spielt Dark and Lights nun ganz oben in den Steam-Charts mit. Ganz dich hinter dem Battle-Royal-Hit PUBG, das scheinfach nicht vom Thron gestoßen werden kann.
Dark and Light ähnelt sehr den Dino-Survival-Hit Ark: Survival Evolved. Der Unterschied besteht darin, dass man in Dark and Lights Fabelwesen wie Drachen und Einhörner statt Dinosaurier zähmen kann. Die Ähnlichkeiten sind jedoch kein Zufalle. Die Entwickler Snail Games entwickeln den VR-Ableger Ark Park und arbeiten daher eng mit dem Studio Wildcard zusammen. Seitdem Snail Games das Ark-Studio 2015 übernommen hat, stammen beide Games quasi vom selben Entwickler.
Zudem gibt es viele weitere Verbesserungen, Bug-Fixes und neue Inhalte:
Animation and Sound:
- Weapons / Magic:
- Wooden Bow – Improved animations.
- Ghost Scythe – Added new sound effects to light and heavy attacks.
- Horses – Added hit and footstep sound effects.
- Characters:
- Evades (crouch + movement direction) – Added a forward evade and improved animations for all evades.
- Adjusted various female character animations.
- Adjusted movement animations during character creation.
- General:
- Slightly increased the time for rare resource nodes to respawn after being depleted.
- NPCs:
- City Guards – Increased base stats.
- NPC health recovery speed increased.
- Creatures:
- Divine Creatures – Added spell damage resistance.
- Boss Creatures – Increased health pool.
- Infernus Dragon – Added spell damage resistance and fire damage immunity. Temporarily removed Flame Breath attack. Reduced respawn rate.
- Frost Dragon – Added spell damage resistance and ice damage immunity. Reduced respawn rate.
- Wyvern – Added spell damage resistance.
- Elementals – Added elemental damage immunity based on the Elemental’s type (i.e. Fire Elementals are now immune to fire damage).
- Ice Elemental – Added new water attack.
- Water Elemental – Increased respawn rate.
- Dark Fallen – Added dark damage immunity.
- Ice Wolf – Added ice damage resistance.
- Hellcat – Added fire damage resistance.
- Bahamut – Added fire damage resistance.
- Centaurs – Adjusted animations.
- Wolf – Reduced the amount of Raw Meat obtained from harvesting a Wolf corpse.
- Characters:
- Friendly fire constitution damage reduced.
- City Lords – Adjusted the amount of gold required to enforce punishments.
- Equipment / Magic:
- All Projectile Magic (Fireball, Frostbolt, Lightning, etc.) – Increased projectile max flight distance.
- Wall of Lightning – No longer damages structures.
- Small Spell Tower – Increased targeting range by 50%.
- Iron Hammer – Heavy attack hit detection improved.
- Iron Pick – Added a power attack (right-click).
- Spear – Can now aim vertically, even if it looks a bit awkward for now.
- All Armor Types – Adjusted physical and magic defense, and added spell resistance to be more in line with the armor tier, type, and weight.
New Content:
- General:
- Using certain items will now increase related Knowledge node experience.UI:
- Added Health and Mana bars when targeting creatures, NPCs, and other players.
- Adjusted tooltips in the Knowledge interface.
- Added icons above objects that can be interacted with.
- Ice Chunk – Changed the item icon.
- Server Selection UI – Now allows for longer server names.
- Keybinds – Cleaned up the menu and removed unused actions.
Bug Fixes
- General:
- Resetting Potion – Using it will no longer reset your unlocked Schematics.
- Wall of Lightning – Schema crafting requirements, damage tick frequency, and spell duration have all had their values corrected.
- Spider Web – Players can now move immediately after casting.
- Firestorm – Fixed damage against metal structures.
- Fertilizer – Fixed a bug where fertilizer would disappear from a crop plot after a short period of time.
- War Flag – Fixed a bug where, occasionally, after making a war declaration, the House that received the declaration would not be able to damage the declaring House’s structures.
- Framework Triangle Foundation – Corrected HP values.
- Stone and Iron Pickaxe and Axe – Improved hit detection, making it easier to gather from smaller resource nodes without needing to crouch.
- War Declaration – Fixed incorrect War Declaration time, now persists through server restarts. Fixed an issue where one House was unable to attack another even after receiving a War Declaration.
- Focusing Potion – Fixed a bug where it was uncraftable if learned after level 10.
- Bedrolls – Can now be picked up after placing and will retain durability usage.
- Parachute – Fixed a bug where players were still taking full fall damage even when using a Parachute.
- Dragon Transports – Temporarily removed Estel and Ironfast’s Dragon Transports while the system is redesigned.
- Wall Torch – Fixed a bug where Wall Torches would defy all logic and expand to dozens of times their original size when demolished.
- NPCs:
- Guards – Fixed a bug where Guards would occasionally spawn with only 1 HP. Can now actually look up and target / attack flying creatures.
- NPC Vendors – Now respawn in their set location within their city after a set period of time after being killed.
- The Sacred Path:
- Adjusted terrain in a number of locations around The Sacred Path where characters and creatures were getting stuck. This patch is focused mainly on the area around Ironfast.
- Fixed issues with floating foliage in a number of locations around The Sacred Path.
- Creatures:
- Fixed a bug where a character dismounting from certain creatures would allow them to clip through walls.
- Longhorn, Hellcat, and Infernus Dragon – Fixed a bug where these creatures would move backwards when using their normal attack while riding them. Power attacks still have this issue, and will be fixed in a future patch.
- Frost Dragon – Fixed a bug where Frost Dragons could be ridden without a saddle.
- Light Elemental – Fixed a bug where Light Elementals could be equipped with a saddle.
- Graphical:
- Made adjustments to the Female Guard Armor and Male Traveler Suit models.