Brian Hicks hatte sich auf der PAX Australia 2015 Zeit für eine Pressekonferenz genommen um dort über den aktuellen Stand der DayZ Standalone zu berichten. Natürlich sprach er auch über die Zukunft und zwar über den restlichen Weg des Spiels bis zur Beta Version.
Der Lead Producer Brian Hicks war am Freitag, den 30. Oktober 2015 in Australien und hat viele offene Fragen beantwortet. Anschließend ging er auf die vergangenen Quartale 1-3 von 2015 ein und was uns noch so erwarten wird…
1. Quartal 2015 |
- Basic vehicles
- V3S utility truck
- Central economy (advanced loot distribution)
- Global per item quantity and rarity control
- Dynamic event frequency and radius control
- Item type / Storage type / Time persistence for each instance
- New renderer
- Current Status: Testable and underway with internal QA
- PP in progress
- Water surfaces & ocean not present – IN PROGRESS
- Optimization and parallelization – IN PROGRESS
- New Infected AI
- Initial implementation rolled out- Current goals are aimed at optimizing the server resource cost and increased infected amounts
- Basic stealth system (zombies, animals, …)
- Initial system rolled out – Crouching, holding a low profile to sneak around infected
- Diseases
- Brain Prion disease from human meat, Cholera from untreated water – Will be expanded on further
- Improved Cooking & Horticulture
- Prototype extension rolled out to stable branch – We’d like to expand upon this further when the new UI is fully functional
- Advanced Anti Cheat (Evolving BattlEye)
- Stronger process and memory protection deployed earlier this year – Shut down all known public cheats, aggressively pursuing private cheats
2. Quartal 2015 |
- Advanced vehicles (repair, modifications, …)
- Vehicle parts currently expanded on .59
- We’ve expanded the vehicle selection type – and begun work to include 2 wheeled vehicles, as well as aerial vehicles
- We want to expand this into different operational fluids (aviation fuel, diesel fuel, gasoline, motor oil, and so forth)
- Advanced animals – life cycle, group behavior
- Present on .58 stable branch. Several bugs preventing proper operation under load MP environment, but looking strong
- Changes to distribution handling currently being investigated
- Present on .58 stable branch. Several bugs preventing proper operation under load MP environment, but looking strong
- Player statistics ( / API)
- Statistics actively being saved central hive side
- Will be displaying the initial set of statistics within the new UI when this becomes standard
- New UI Tech
- Blocking issues being resolved by programming team
- Design team working on rollout of initial screen changes
- Player Stamina
- Rewrite of new player actions which was dependent on the new Player Controller and Animation system is under way
- Once remaining blockers on new player controller are complete, implementation of this should be incrementally occurring
- Dynamic events
- Functioning spawning, cleaning up, and respawning on experimental/stable branches currently
- Dynamic control over the quantity, frequency, cleanup, and respawn of this system is functioning via CLE tools
- World Containers (Fridges, Chests, etc.)
- Initial prototype of this system is currently working on .58 stable. We look forward to expanding upon the existing fridge in the future.
- Priority on this within the roadmap was pushed to Q4 so we can focus on preparation for deployment of server binaries and private hive / servlet package
- New Physics System
- Ongoing development. Vehicle simulation, Ragdoll, Item Throwing, etc. are the visible representation of this. Currently with the new system in development, DayZ is operating two systems – which can be problematic, cause issues, and cost server performance. This will be improved in the future
3. Quartal 2015 |
- Traps
- Functional implementation currently sits at Bear Traps, Trip Wires, and Land Mines
- We would like to expand this into improvised explosives and traps paired with the existing trip wires
- Barricading
- The initial functionality of locking doors via lockpicks was implemented many months back
- However we would like to expand this further into the barricading of existing structures (beyond locking the doors)
- This will likely get pushed to Q4 of this year
- The initial functionality of locking doors via lockpicks was implemented many months back
- Character life span + soft skills
- Internal builds have the first skillsets for this feature functioning
- Hunting, Medical, and Repair skillsets for specific types are currently functioning
- Properly displaying these are dependent on the new UI being fully implemented
- We currently are hoping to see the first bunch of these skills come with .60 but we will keep the userbase filled in
- Internal builds have the first skillsets for this feature functioning
- Animal predators + birds
- Bratislava Team has been working on the proper implementation of the aggressive animal AI
- Internally we would like to see testing on these mechanics hit experimental branch late Q4 or early Q1 of next year
- Art Assets for the initial rollout of this mechanic are in place – pending programming / AI work
- We’ll see this moved to a late Q4 / Early Q1 goal
- Bratislava Team has been working on the proper implementation of the aggressive animal AI
- Aerial transport
- Update of Take On Helicopters Little-Bird model complete as our „Pilot“ program for Aerial Transport
- Creation of assets and mechanics for fixed wing and rotary aircraft under way
- Internal testing on the flight model complete – We’d like to see this hit experimental at least before the end of the year
- That said – We’ll need to keep updating the progress on this in Status Reports to see if it is viable
- Console prototype
- Obviously PC development is paramount to us. So console prototype work will get moved to Q1 of next year
BETA VersionWas bedeutet das für DayZ und wann wird es soweit sein ?
Was war das für ein schnelles Jahr denkt man sich doch, vieles ist passiert, vieles wurde in Form von Videos auf den verschiedensten Plattformen geteilt, ob nun Bugs oder die alltäglichen Erlebnisse in Form von Let´s Plays oder Video Streams. Allem in allem war es ein gutes Jahr für die DayZ Standalone.
Wie habt ihr das Jahr 2015 in der DayZ Standalone empfunden, war es mehr Frust als Lust oder doch ein kunterbuntes Abenteuer wo ihr euch wünscht das es nie endet? Und freut ihr euch auf die Beta Phase, oder hättet ihr lieber eine längere Alpha Phase, damit die Entwickler in Prag mehr Features erstellen können?
Euer SurvivalCore Team